à consommer...sans modération ! / Don't hesitate to buy fabrics !
Je sais que vous êtes nombreuses à faire "des petits points" pour assembler les tissus mais aussi sur de jolies toiles à broder ...alors voici un bel ouvrage qui met en valeur ces deux passions!
Tout est tellement bien dit ...et nous rassure ..continuons mesdames ! C'est, à ce jour, le meilleur remède contre les petits aléas de la vie ! Pour retrouver les sourire et le transmettre aux autres ...allez-y , courez dans votre magasin le plus proche ( Patchoulainepar exemple, où vous pourrez admirer ce beau travail) et en suivant ces recommandations , vous verrez la vie en couleur !
I know that several of us are doing stiches not only to piece fabrics but also on nice embroideries ....so here is a beautiful piece of neddlework that highlight these two passions
Everything is so well told ....and reassure us...go on , ladies! It is , for the moment, the best way to forget the little problems of the daily life!
To recover your smile et to give it to the others, run quickly to your next quilt shop, and follow these good advices, you'll see the life in color!
I'll give the translation in ..the next few hours !
here it is , but I'm sure it could be better !
Buying fabric is good for business,
Buying fabric is less expensive and more funny than a psychotherapy
Fabric doesn't need to be feeded or changed or be taken
for a walk by you
Fabric is not swelling
Fabric doesn't need, neither to be kept in the fridge,
nor to be protected
to enjoy it
Fabric quiets the nerves down and fulfils the soul
Fabric fulfils the wish of beauty and inspiration at least by four ways:
when you are buying it
when you are looking at
when you are sewing it
and when you are using the wonderful thing it is become
Fabric is often cheaper than a part of a car, or a drill or a hunting and
fishing equipment.
Buy beautiful fabrics, you deserve it WELL !!
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