Dear Jane sélectionné pour l'exposition à Nantes!! / Dear Jane selected for the quilt show in Nantes
J'ai un immense plaisir à vous annoncer cette merveilleuse nouvelle !Annette a appris, hier, que son quilt avait passé avec succès l'epreuve de la sélection !
Ce superbe Dear Jane , tellement original sera donc exposé à Nantes !
This wonderful dear jane has been selected for the quilt show during the famous exhibition that will take place in Nantes ( France)
Look at the picture below and visit the web site for all the informations
Annette,who is a close friend and a member of my quilting group "Patch'papotages" worked on her quilt during three years. You can see more pictures in a previous post about it on my blog or in the album in the right column
passion+ patience+ amour + amitié = succès
Her success is just reward for her work

Super tentant le programme !!
Dites moi si vous avez l'intention de vous y rendre; ce serait sympa de se rencontrer!