Organize a Round Robin
2 Juin 2012 , Rédigé par nanoupatch Publié dans #patchwork
A Round Robin is best for a group of about 10 quilters and of the same level.
Everyone makes the quilt center with a particular and personal pattern (between 20-35 cm) that reflects what she likes . Then every quilter passes her work on to the next quilter, who will add a border before giving it to the next person to add another.
Most robin quilts are medallion format. A simple theme is usually choosen for each border (such as squares, curves, trangles or appliqué) by the quilter in charge of the project. But there are diffferent ways to work on Round Robin quilts. We can also find some of them thanks different groups on the internat.
At Patch'papotages, we have begun a Round Robin in April, I called it "Quilting is sharing"
We are at the second step (8 quilters) ans it is so surprising , so funny to look in the envelope with the quilt and the little book which is going along with the work ... with details, poems and so on ..
Now I'll put some pictures of the two Roun Robin which have been organized in quilting groups here .
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